UNCERTAINTY IN MEASUREMENT CHEMISTRY What is meant by uncertainty in measurement chemistry ? Let'us the study in the field of chemistry, one has to deal with experimental data as well as theoretical calculations. There are meaningful ways to handle the numbers conveniently and present the data realistically with certainty to the extent possible. how do you find the uncertainty of a measurement. These ideas are discussed below in details. 1) Scientific Notation As chemistry is the study of atoms and molecules which have extremely low masses and are present in extremely large numbers, a chemist has to deal with numbers as large as 602, 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 for the molecules of 2 g of hydrogen gas or as small as 0.00000000000000000000000166 gm mass of a H atom. Similarly other constants such as Planck’s constant, speed of light,charges on particles etc., involve numbers of the above magnitude.It may look funny for a moment to write or count numbers i...
Provide basic chemistry notes for topic like state of matter,chemical combination,structure of atom,elements,periodicity,chemical are in this blog.